Some of our regular events include:
The Gate: A Dynamic Kids' Ministry program for ages pre-K through teens. The Gate meets every Thursday night during the school year from 5:30 - 7:00 and includes a nutritious meal and life lessons from the Bible, as well as service opportunities
Men & Women's Breakfast meets on the last Saturday of every month at 8:30 am for breakfast and a small devotional.
Home Fellowship Bible Study Group with the "Yost family. meets every Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm at their home in Williamstown. Please contact the church for more information if you would like to attend this group "ALL OUR WELCOME"
School Prayer Initiative: A Group of people meets every Monday morning at the church in our sanctuary at 7:00 am during the school year to pray for our local schools, students, teachers, and administration.
Men Of Williams Valley - A Group of men that meets twice a month for Bible Study and fellowship. contact the church for more information
Heritage Mills Service - A group of volunteers that go to the local nursing home for Bible study singing and fellowship once a month at 10:30 am contact the church for more information.
Be Happy Kids Cafe: A weekly summer program for children pre-k - 5th that includes a nutritious meal as well as a bible lesson, crafts, and other activities.
Williams Valley Food Pantry: A monthly food pantry operated by the Williams Valley Ministerium for those who meet certain income requirements.